Noch 14345 Pigeon Loft

Pigeon Loft

Pigeon Loft

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Pigeon Loft.

Length: 13.00 mm
Width: 13.00 mm
Height: 65.00 mm

A pigeon loft is a little house, usually made of wood, which is fixed on a three meters tall pillar. It can be stud with sheet to protect itself from bandits (martens, rats).
The shape of the cottage can be foursquare, hexagonal, octagonal or even round. The roofing is comprised of planks cleated with roofing felt, brick or slate. Pigeon lofts have a flight hole with a sheet on each side, which acts as an entrance/ exit. The sheets under the flight hole can be used for closing and serve the pigeons as an approach and rest area. The flight hole itself is foursquare or round, similar to an arched window. It is quite dark in the pigeon loft itself, if the flight holes are closed, hence there are mounted and wired window panes to each main side.


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